
Get the latest insights on all things Inbound and HubSpot from our team of experts. Discover our insider stories, productivity tips, and remote work advice, and learn more about how we organize work in our agency to be the best partner for your business.

July 2023

The ABC of a High-impact B2B Inbound Strategy

Are you building a landing page with a form to sign up for a free webinar? Or maybe you are planning a mailing campaign to encourage entrepreneurs to try your customer's services?

If you use similar tactics at work, you take advantage of inbound.

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June 2023

HubSpot CMS Hub Website Redesign Gives Consafe Logistics’ Brand a Fresh Life

Consafe Logistics transforms warehouse solutions, developing logistics management software streamlining supply chain operations. To boast its rapid expansion and better serve an international portfolio of clients, it turned to 6Minded to replace the.

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June 2023

Effective B2B Strategies to Collect Customer Feedback

According to a study by G2, 92% of B2B buyers are more likely to purchase after reading a trusted review. But how to get customer feedback in the first place? And what to do when it could be more enthusiastic?

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May 2023

Cultivating an Inbound Marketing Strategy to Bear Abundant Fruit 🫐

Do you have green fingers? I don't. I know next to nothing about growing plants. Still, you do not need extensive knowledge of horticulture to know that if you want to enjoy a rich harvest, you need time, skills, favorable conditions, and properly.

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April 2023

A 6-Minute Checklist to Teach You How to Launch a Website Successfully

Imagine spending six months designing, developing, and fine-tuning a perfect website to promote your business. You team up with graphic designers, copywriters, and developers, plan the layout, dwell on the ideal font type and size, and choose just.

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February 2023

SEO Tips for Small Businesses | 9 Fuss-Free Ways to Boost SEO Ranking

Sipping on your favorite tea, taking several deep breaths, or cuddling with your pooch. What do these activities have in common? They are quick, effective, and free stress relievers that most of us will appreciate at this point in time. 

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January 2023

Copywriter vs. Content Writer vs. Inbound Marketer in B2Bs

“Content is king”—more than a quarter-century has passed since Bill Gates popularized this catchy phrase (coined in the ‘70s by Sumner Redstone), foretelling the era of Internet content. Since then, it has been rewritten and reconstructed numerous.

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December 2022

Schedule Monthly Updates in a Day with HubSpot Social Media Tool

"Every minute you spend in planning saves 10 minutes in execution; this gives you a 1,000 percent return on energy!"

These words by Brian Tracy might as well be the motto of every marketing specialist. Why waste time shooting in the dark when you.

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November 2022

Switch to Autopilot: Social Media Automation for B2B Marketers

Social media platforms fail every year. Do you miss updates on Google+? Are you still dropping videos on Vine? While some of these platforms didn’t stand the test of time, others—like TikTok are burgeoning, and no one anticipates their sudden demise.

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Trending: Digital Marketing Exploration

You dream about building a system that consistently grows your visitors, leads, and revenue, but have no idea where to start?

We have a program for that.
