
Get the latest insights on all things Inbound and HubSpot from our team of experts. Discover our insider stories, productivity tips, and remote work advice, and learn more about how we organize work in our agency to be the best partner for your business.

September 2022

4 Snackable Ideas to Grow Your B2B SaaS Sales Strategy Like Yeast

Fancy baking a cake together? Bear with me, we’ll be making some delicious sales boosters today!

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August 2022

13 Little-Known HubSpot B2B Sales Tools to Get From Lead to Customer

As someone who doesn't use microwaves too often, I have a limited grasp of their functions. You know, I am that user who hits the start button several times to heat my meal properly.

So, imagine how astonished (and grateful) I was when my colleague.

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July 2022

Sales Pipeline Software: Your SaaS Startup’s Secret to Staying Ahead

Credit: Universal Pictures

Who doesn’t love a good ‘Fast and Furious’ saga? Well, SaaS startup owners may be an exception. With less than half of startups making it to their fifth year, the case of scaling too fast and too furious is common..

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June 2022

Website Banner Designs: Get to Know Them and Get Inspired

Traditional marketing differs from digital marketing and advertising in countless ways. Still, whether marketers operate in the physical or the virtual world, they share one common goal: they thrive on the attention of potential customers.


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April 2022

Website Usability: What Is It, Why Care, and How to Improve It?

Imagine you’re looking for new headphones. Not just any headphones, but a pair that will serve you for years on Zoom calls and when you catch up on your favorite audiobook. You want to ensure that the sound quality is top and that the set sits.

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February 2022

Partners, not Outsourcers: How We Handle Client Feedback and Ideas

Over 4,000 — that’s the rough average number of emails and Notion messages each of our project managers receives from clients every year. That’s around 330 messages per month, excluding client communication that takes place on platforms like Figma,.

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January 2022

Get Inspired: 9 Must-Know 2022 Website Design Trends

Remember the websites of the late ’90s? Cluttered layouts, garish colors, and the pervasive Times New Roman — in the infancy days of the internet, the web would put up with anything. Back then, just having a website for your business meant living.

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December 2021

When to Consider Website Content Localization with HubSpot CMS

This just in: English is the number one global language, and it’s no different on the internet. Still, most web users — 74.1%, to be exact — speak other languages, so deciding to go with a multilingual website is a no-brainer for online businesses.

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November 2021

HubSpot vs. WordPress: Why Pay $400/Month?

"What you'll find is that our products are usually not premium priced. Go ahead and price out our competitors' products. Add the features that you have to add to make them useful, and you will find that they are in most cases more expensive than.

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Trending: Digital Marketing Exploration

You dream about building a system that consistently grows your visitors, leads, and revenue, but have no idea where to start?

We have a program for that.
