
Get the latest insights on all things Inbound and HubSpot from our team of experts. Discover our insider stories, productivity tips, and remote work advice, and learn more about how we organize work in our agency to be the best partner for your business.

January 2023

Account-Based or Inbound? Choose Marketing Strategy to Boost Sales

Imagine you’re going fishing. You can use a few techniques to increase your chances of bringing dinner home tonight (sorry, vegetarians!). Some, like spearfishing, are high-accuracy. Using a spear requires some skill, but it is fast, precise, and.

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January 2023

Copywriter vs. Content Writer vs. Inbound Marketer in B2Bs

“Content is king”—more than a quarter-century has passed since Bill Gates popularized this catchy phrase (coined in the ‘70s by Sumner Redstone), foretelling the era of Internet content. Since then, it has been rewritten and reconstructed numerous.

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January 2023

Why Content and B2B SaaS Marketing Belong Together [2023 UPDATED]

Buffer, HubSpot, Shopify, InVision, Canva, Salesforce... We could go all day name-dropping multi-billion SaaS brands that made their name using amazing content. Instead, let’s look at some stats from the 2021 B2B Content Marketing report:

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December 2022

Schedule Monthly Updates in a Day with HubSpot Social Media Tool

"Every minute you spend in planning saves 10 minutes in execution; this gives you a 1,000 percent return on energy!"

These words by Brian Tracy might as well be the motto of every marketing specialist. Why waste time shooting in the dark when you.

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November 2022

Switch to Autopilot: Social Media Automation for B2B Marketers

Social media platforms fail every year. Do you miss updates on Google+? Are you still dropping videos on Vine? While some of these platforms didn’t stand the test of time, others—like TikTok are burgeoning, and no one anticipates their sudden demise.

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October 2022

Building a Lead-Generating HubSpot Website. From Rough Sketch to Go Live

Have you ever seen an episode of "How It's Made"? The Canadian documentary shows how common items are made, from the initial concept until they reach the shelves. 

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June 2022

Website Banner Designs: Get to Know Them and Get Inspired

Traditional marketing differs from digital marketing and advertising in countless ways. Still, whether marketers operate in the physical or the virtual world, they share one common goal: they thrive on the attention of potential customers.


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February 2022

Partners, not Outsourcers: How We Handle Client Feedback and Ideas

Over 4,000 — that’s the rough average number of emails and Notion messages each of our project managers receives from clients every year. That’s around 330 messages per month, excluding client communication that takes place on platforms like Figma,.

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December 2021

When to Consider Website Content Localization with HubSpot CMS

This just in: English is the number one global language, and it’s no different on the internet. Still, most web users — 74.1%, to be exact — speak other languages, so deciding to go with a multilingual website is a no-brainer for online businesses.

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Trending: Digital Marketing Exploration

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